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Privacy Policy - Financeexamhelp.com

We disclose our privacy policy to all our customers so that they can understand how we handle their data. Read the privacy policy to stay confident while sharing your data with us. Financeexamhelp.com understands and is concerned about your privacy. That's why we go all out to protect it at all costs. By disclosing this privacy policy to you, we expect you to read and understand it so that you get acquainted with how our practices based on the information that you share with us.

The Information We Collect from You

Once again, welcome to finance exam help for guaranteed good performance. We collect both personally and non-personally identifiable information from you. PII is the set of information that distinguishes you from other users on this website. They include:

  • Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Your Location

On the other hand, non-personally identifiable information is anonymous information that cannot help with differentiating two or more individuals. They include place of birth, date of birth, social security number, and the likes.

What We Do With the Information Collected

We appreciate the trust that you show in us when you share your personal information with us. In return, we protect it at all costs. Here is a list of the main things that we do with the information you share with us:

Verification: - We use your information to verify users' authenticity for security purposes.

Record-keeping: - Your information helps us keep records on how we've been serving students with finance exam help over the years. For example, we can use it to calculate the number of devices using our services over a month. Such information can help us detect and prevent fraud appropriately.

Personalized Service: - When we collect data about you, we understand your needs better. For example, your location data will help us write your paper according to the standards of your specific country.

Communication: - We also collect your data to enable us communicate with you about product announcements, services, and software updates to mention a few.

Service Improvement: - Customer feedback forms part of the information that we collect from you. It helps us identify what we should improve based on the customer's experience.

Business Analysis: - We also use your information to know our position in the academic market. This analysis is conducted in-house by a select team of experts within our company.

The Protection of Your Information

We use a Secure Socket Later technology to protect all your data from unauthorized access. This is the latest and most advanced encryption technology that safeguards your data against theft by cybercriminals. Likewise, we've invested in firewall technology that helps to defend your network against malicious programs and software online.

As if that's not enough, we restrict authorized access to your information to only a small team of our experts who need to know it so that they can help with processing your order. They handle your data with utmost confidentiality under strict rules, failure to which they can be terminated. In case we detect a security breach, we'll move fast to inform you about it and the steps that you need to take to avoid suffering any losses.


Cookies are small files sent to your device by our server when you visit financeexamhelp.com. They are safe and do not steal any information from you. Instead, they help us recognize your preferences on the website whenever you visit. This way, we can understand what you like and offer our services according to them. It's important to learn that our cookies will only be sent to your device with your consent. You can always withdraw this consent at any given time and prevent our server from sending more cookies to your device.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

Due to constant changes in the business world, we may need to update our Privacy Policy appropriately. While doing this, we ensure that you're notified of all the significant changes that impact your life as a student. But we also ask you to keep checking this page on your own for the updates.